Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HOME » Health and Fitness » Diabetes The Necessity for Diabetic Foot Care Kit

Diabetic patients need to take proper care of their feet as they are infection-prone areas. If not attended on time foot problems result in damage of the nerves. Many get to notice a foot injury only after an infection develops, which may lead to worse consequences. Diabetics results in reduced ability to fight infection, and hence delays the blood and oxygen supply to the feet. Due to this, sores and skin breaks occur, which may lead to skin ulcer if devoid of proper care and in the worsen stage amputation of the affected limb may be required, so those who are diagnosed with diabetics have to take optimal care of their foot. There are high chances of feet nerve damage for diabetic patients, thus it is wise to check their feet twice in a year.

Cracks, wounds, blisters, and warts are various problems diabetic patients are prone to. You may neglect thinking its a small wound but it may develop severe complications if not cured on time, therefore having a diabetic foot care kit handy is wise.

Now, lets see what are the constituents of a foot care kit. An anti-fungal cream is included with every kit to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria and also cracks and blisters are kept at bay by keeping the skin smooth and soft. Pumice stone, which is widely used to soften feet, accompanies the diabetic foot care kit. A magnifying glass and a mirror for enhanced foot care are also supplied along with this kit. Other than these diabetic medical supplies, a pair of socks and shoes are provided as the risk of infection and injuries are high when being bare footed.

Many wonder why to buy specialised diabetic socks and why not use regular socks? Appearance wise both are similar but there are remarkable variations between these two. Firstly, diabetic socks are mainly made of cotton, nylon, elastic fiber, or acrylic, and are designed to prevent moisture. They are intended to provide the needed cushion and have non-binding tops to regulate blood circulation to the users' feet. Diabetic socks are available only in white as foot care specialists don't recommend coloured socks.

Speaking about diabetic shoes they feature a wide toe-box and come with a removable insole. A good fitting shoes make sure that areas that are prone to develop calluses, wounds, or blisters experience low pressure and hence the feet stay safe.

So, take proper foot care with appropriate gears, which you can easily avail from medical supply stores.

You can buy jobst diabetic socks from which also has medical equipment for other disorders and diseases.

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