Every food is a medicine. What you eat is very important from the point of view of your health. There are no cut and dry methods and medicines by which you can cure diabetes. In fact, perfect cure for diabetes is yet to be found, in any system of medicine. But, Ayurvedic medicines are far near to the point of curing diabetes. This disease can certainly be controlled by Ayurveduic medicines.
The prime concern in controlling diabetes is to see that the sugar level does not cross the recommended level. This means you need to avoid certain types of food and take regularly those food which are good for controlling diabetes.
In short, processed foods and junk food, must be totally given up. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, soft drinks, cream and fried foods. White sugar and white flour also cause further damage to the health of diabetes patients. Anything that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt should be avoided. Smoking and alcohol are taboo as well. So, in conclusion, your food is your medicine.
Instead of the commercial tea, take green tea, parsley tea and blueberry leaf. Cook the kidney bean pods and drink that water—it is very good in the treatment of diabetes. Replace white sugar with palm sugar, dates and honey. Unpolished rice, sprouted grain should be taken in moderate quantity. Fats like olive. oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes. Drink abundant water, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day. If you can make the habit of it, raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity. Cooked food raise the level of blood sugar fast. This apart, cooking destroys vitamins, enzymes and minerals in the vegetables and fruits.
The real treatment of diabetes is through the fruits that you take. Take grapes, Indian blackberry, fig, kiwi fruits and citrus fruits and pomegranate juice. Let these things be your morning breakfast. As for vegetables, onion, garlic, radish, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage and cucumber are excellent in the treatment of diabetes. Moong sprouted and unripe banana cooked, are also recommended.
The next important part of the diet is to take those fruits and vegetables in which fiber content is very high. Such type of food lowers the need for insulin, the reason being it releases energy into the body cells slowly. High fiber diet means more chromium which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.
Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.
Soak 50 gms of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water at night and drink the water early in the morning, after grinding the seeds in it. Draw a schedule, depending upon the level of your diabetes.
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Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=90102&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Some Lifestyle Changes May Help You Cure Diabetes
You have to lift yourself up. You are the cause of your downfall. You are your best friend. You are your worst enemy...Thus goes the great saying.
The top is always vacant! The wise counsel is in demand everywhere. The best is yet to happen in your life! Life is nothing but a series of endless changes. The moment to moment changes.
You need to apply the very same rules in the treatment and control of diabetes. Some lifestyle changes help you cure the diabetes. There is no doubt about it. The reasoning is simple. Your wrong life styles took you to the portals of diabetes. Now about turn, and walk back. And reach to the place from where you started. This time, your start can not be wrong. Because you have adopted some lifestyle changes. This re-start will take you to the mansion of perfect health!
Have you read the novel, “The Sun Also Rises”? Doesn't matter, if you have not!
When did you see the sunrise last? Now, you the confirmed diabetes patient, getup from the bed before the sunrise and take a brisk morning walk (not too brisk). That will assist the task of metabolism in the body and help you to maintain the blood sugar level.
On to the breakfast table! Demand your plateful of sprouted moong. Gone are the days of fried potato chips doused in red tomato sauce, full of preservatives! Instead, take the tomato salad, flavored with mint and lime juice!
After the breakfast, take rest for five minutes. It is time for you to check your blood pressure. If you don't wish to do it daily, do it twice a week. During those good old days you used to take three heavy meals. Vegetables full of spice! Now you have taken a wise decision to take food five to six times, but in small quantities.
Your food consists of seasonal vegetables, fruits, preference for items that have lots of fiber content! You are strictly avoiding polished rice, and instead go for hand-pounded rice, that will get you lots of vitamin B.
Never think of junk food, cream biscuits, and chocolates. Tea and coffee are also not good for the cause of controlling diabetes. Instead go for butter milk.
Why do you worry over the matters over which you should not worry at all? If you say that worry can solve any problem including diabetes, I am prepared to even forgo my sleep and keep on worrying for 24 hours in a day. You know, stress is one of the reasons for diabetes.
So stop worrying and start living! Life is to be lived in its trials, in its tribulations, in its duty and in its beauty.
From the practical point of view, never forget to have periodical checkups at the doctor's chamber and keep the record of your blood sugar levels!
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=99943&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
The top is always vacant! The wise counsel is in demand everywhere. The best is yet to happen in your life! Life is nothing but a series of endless changes. The moment to moment changes.
You need to apply the very same rules in the treatment and control of diabetes. Some lifestyle changes help you cure the diabetes. There is no doubt about it. The reasoning is simple. Your wrong life styles took you to the portals of diabetes. Now about turn, and walk back. And reach to the place from where you started. This time, your start can not be wrong. Because you have adopted some lifestyle changes. This re-start will take you to the mansion of perfect health!
Have you read the novel, “The Sun Also Rises”? Doesn't matter, if you have not!
When did you see the sunrise last? Now, you the confirmed diabetes patient, getup from the bed before the sunrise and take a brisk morning walk (not too brisk). That will assist the task of metabolism in the body and help you to maintain the blood sugar level.
On to the breakfast table! Demand your plateful of sprouted moong. Gone are the days of fried potato chips doused in red tomato sauce, full of preservatives! Instead, take the tomato salad, flavored with mint and lime juice!
After the breakfast, take rest for five minutes. It is time for you to check your blood pressure. If you don't wish to do it daily, do it twice a week. During those good old days you used to take three heavy meals. Vegetables full of spice! Now you have taken a wise decision to take food five to six times, but in small quantities.
Your food consists of seasonal vegetables, fruits, preference for items that have lots of fiber content! You are strictly avoiding polished rice, and instead go for hand-pounded rice, that will get you lots of vitamin B.
Never think of junk food, cream biscuits, and chocolates. Tea and coffee are also not good for the cause of controlling diabetes. Instead go for butter milk.
Why do you worry over the matters over which you should not worry at all? If you say that worry can solve any problem including diabetes, I am prepared to even forgo my sleep and keep on worrying for 24 hours in a day. You know, stress is one of the reasons for diabetes.
So stop worrying and start living! Life is to be lived in its trials, in its tribulations, in its duty and in its beauty.
From the practical point of view, never forget to have periodical checkups at the doctor's chamber and keep the record of your blood sugar levels!
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=99943&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Friday, August 27, 2010
Diabetes: Prevention Is The Best Cure
There are 800,000 new diabetes cases diagnosed annually in the United States, and this number is expected to rise. Diabetes is a chronic disease that claims many lives each year. It is the number six killer in the USA today. While there is no cure, medical professionals are always looking for newer and more effective treatments. As with most chronic diseases, prevention is the best cure.
What Causes Diabetes?
Diabetes involves a person's metabolism. Basically, it is caused by the inability of one's pancreas to convert sugar in the food one eats into useful energy. This sugar then builds up in the bloodstream and internal organs, causing a variety of problems.
It is generally believed that sugar is bad for you. This is not exactly true. Actually, forms of sugar are found in nearly everything we eat, and our bodies require these sugars for energy. However, the kinds and amounts of sugar people take in are important.
How Can I Avoid Getting Diabetes?
Recently, there has been a new concern among Americans to adopt healthier lifestyles and prevent diabetes. Diabetes is often linked with heart disease. Keeping your heart healthy will help reduce the risk of diabetes. Make sure you get plenty of exercise. It is recommended that adults get their hearts pumping for at least twenty minutes three times per week. This is a minimum. You can do something as simple as jogging around the neighborhood or working out on an exercise machine in front of the TV. Just make sure it gets your heart pumping.
Weight is a factor in diabetes. If you are overweight, you are more at risk. The single best reason to diet and lose weight is your health. It may help to motivate you to imagine that you are not only getting into better shape and looking good, but also possibly saving your own life.
What you eat is also a factor. Foods that are high in cholesterol are risky. So are many kinds of animal fats, and refined starches and sugars. One way to eat healthier is to make sure you eat food from each food group. Eat breakfast every day and watch your portion sizes. Even if you eat healthy foods, don't over indulge.
There are a few lifestyle factors as well. If you get too little or too much sleep every night, you may be putting yourself at risk. Sleep helps to regulate glucose levels in the body. Smoking puts you at a higher risk, but new studies show that coffee and moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce the risk of becoming diabetic.
Finally, Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders have a higher risk of developing diabetes. If you belong to one of these groups, it is especially important to eat a healthy diet and make sure you exercise regularly, in order to help prevent diabetes.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=80158&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
What Causes Diabetes?
Diabetes involves a person's metabolism. Basically, it is caused by the inability of one's pancreas to convert sugar in the food one eats into useful energy. This sugar then builds up in the bloodstream and internal organs, causing a variety of problems.
It is generally believed that sugar is bad for you. This is not exactly true. Actually, forms of sugar are found in nearly everything we eat, and our bodies require these sugars for energy. However, the kinds and amounts of sugar people take in are important.
How Can I Avoid Getting Diabetes?
Recently, there has been a new concern among Americans to adopt healthier lifestyles and prevent diabetes. Diabetes is often linked with heart disease. Keeping your heart healthy will help reduce the risk of diabetes. Make sure you get plenty of exercise. It is recommended that adults get their hearts pumping for at least twenty minutes three times per week. This is a minimum. You can do something as simple as jogging around the neighborhood or working out on an exercise machine in front of the TV. Just make sure it gets your heart pumping.
Weight is a factor in diabetes. If you are overweight, you are more at risk. The single best reason to diet and lose weight is your health. It may help to motivate you to imagine that you are not only getting into better shape and looking good, but also possibly saving your own life.
What you eat is also a factor. Foods that are high in cholesterol are risky. So are many kinds of animal fats, and refined starches and sugars. One way to eat healthier is to make sure you eat food from each food group. Eat breakfast every day and watch your portion sizes. Even if you eat healthy foods, don't over indulge.
There are a few lifestyle factors as well. If you get too little or too much sleep every night, you may be putting yourself at risk. Sleep helps to regulate glucose levels in the body. Smoking puts you at a higher risk, but new studies show that coffee and moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce the risk of becoming diabetic.
Finally, Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders have a higher risk of developing diabetes. If you belong to one of these groups, it is especially important to eat a healthy diet and make sure you exercise regularly, in order to help prevent diabetes.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=80158&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet
Cure For Diabetes
In order to look for a cure for diabetes we must understand what causes diabetes in the first place and then we can start to work on a cure.
Diabetes is an ailment that affects the levels of insulin in a person’s body. There are basically three forms of this disease and these are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. All these forms of Diabetes relate directly to the insulin levels and how our body functions under this altered state.
Basic information on the Types of Diabetes
1. Type 1 diabetes
In this disease the individual’s auto immune system attacks and reduces the pancreatic beta cells from producing the necessary insulin for the body to function properly. When the pancrius is not functioning as it should the production of natural insulin is reduced below optimum levels or is in fact stopped altogether which has dangerous implications for other functions of the body.
2. Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It actually accounts for more than 90% of all cases of diabetes. With this disease the body does not make or properly use insulin, a hormone that helps convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy. Eventually a person's body will stop producing insulin if they have this disease. Unfortunately, it is not yet known why this happens. However, genetics and environmental factors do play a role..
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs only with women and only during pregnancy. Unlike Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes has no recognizable symptoms. The only way to know if you have it is through regular blood screenings throughout your term. These screenings are blood tests where you have to fast overnight, then are given a sugary drink to see how your body reacts. You need two positive readings before you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Cures For Diabetes
For Gestational diabetes the cure is actually very simple. Since some hormones produced in a pregnant woman’s body promotes some tissues to resist insulin, the cure for diabetes in pregnant women is to give birth. Your doctor will suggest a diet that will assist in keeping your blood sugars in check during your pregnancy.
However, doctors have no actual “cure” for diabetes types 1 & 2at the moments. What they do now to “cure” diabetes is to present alternatives to patients who suffer from this disease. As an actual cure for diabetes is not available there are however cures for the symptoms which are readily available.
For Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, most doctors either recommend changing the patient’s diet and keeping a close watch or in more severe cases, injecting insulin into the body during times when it becomes too low.
Research is currently underway where replacing the defective beta cells that produce insulin in order to refresh the pancreatic cells. This method of cure for diabetes is still undergoing experimental tests and has not been made available for public use.. So far, the research and studies have brought to light the potential problem of needing long maintenance medication in order to support the transplanted beta cells.
Although there is still a long way to go before any cure for diabetes can actually become a reality. With the rapid improvements in experimentation you should keep track of the progress that researchers and pharmaceutical companies are making towards finding a cure for diabetes.
While waiting for this cure for diabetes, you should keep healthy with plenty of regular exercise and a healthy natural diet keeping away from all those fatty, oily foods your body will be in good shape awaiting the day when the cure becomes a reality.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=198415&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Diabetes is an ailment that affects the levels of insulin in a person’s body. There are basically three forms of this disease and these are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. All these forms of Diabetes relate directly to the insulin levels and how our body functions under this altered state.
Basic information on the Types of Diabetes
1. Type 1 diabetes
In this disease the individual’s auto immune system attacks and reduces the pancreatic beta cells from producing the necessary insulin for the body to function properly. When the pancrius is not functioning as it should the production of natural insulin is reduced below optimum levels or is in fact stopped altogether which has dangerous implications for other functions of the body.
2. Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It actually accounts for more than 90% of all cases of diabetes. With this disease the body does not make or properly use insulin, a hormone that helps convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy. Eventually a person's body will stop producing insulin if they have this disease. Unfortunately, it is not yet known why this happens. However, genetics and environmental factors do play a role..
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs only with women and only during pregnancy. Unlike Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes has no recognizable symptoms. The only way to know if you have it is through regular blood screenings throughout your term. These screenings are blood tests where you have to fast overnight, then are given a sugary drink to see how your body reacts. You need two positive readings before you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Cures For Diabetes
For Gestational diabetes the cure is actually very simple. Since some hormones produced in a pregnant woman’s body promotes some tissues to resist insulin, the cure for diabetes in pregnant women is to give birth. Your doctor will suggest a diet that will assist in keeping your blood sugars in check during your pregnancy.
However, doctors have no actual “cure” for diabetes types 1 & 2at the moments. What they do now to “cure” diabetes is to present alternatives to patients who suffer from this disease. As an actual cure for diabetes is not available there are however cures for the symptoms which are readily available.
For Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, most doctors either recommend changing the patient’s diet and keeping a close watch or in more severe cases, injecting insulin into the body during times when it becomes too low.
Research is currently underway where replacing the defective beta cells that produce insulin in order to refresh the pancreatic cells. This method of cure for diabetes is still undergoing experimental tests and has not been made available for public use.. So far, the research and studies have brought to light the potential problem of needing long maintenance medication in order to support the transplanted beta cells.
Although there is still a long way to go before any cure for diabetes can actually become a reality. With the rapid improvements in experimentation you should keep track of the progress that researchers and pharmaceutical companies are making towards finding a cure for diabetes.
While waiting for this cure for diabetes, you should keep healthy with plenty of regular exercise and a healthy natural diet keeping away from all those fatty, oily foods your body will be in good shape awaiting the day when the cure becomes a reality.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=198415&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Diabetes Cure
At this time there is no specific cure for diabetes, but research continues to try to find a way to end this disease, rather than just treating and managing it as is now done. The problem with just treating and controlling diabetes is that it requires constant care, attention, and medications that continue to change over an individual’s life. Many people with diabetes are not treated and may be unaware of the condition. This leads to further complications including kidney disease, circulation problems, cardiovascular disease, vision problems, and elevated heart attack and stroke risk. It is estimated that only a third of all diabetics are treated, the other two thirds are not being treated for the condition.
Research continues to focus on curing, preventing and managing diabetes. While there are significant advancements in managing and preventing diabetes, it is public knowledge and education that allows people to understand the symptoms of diabetes and prediabetes, and start prevention programs. Since many people are unaware of the symptoms, they don’t use the prevention programs. Many school health programs now offer advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle choices that will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
In addition to working on prevention and management there is ongoing research to find a cure for diabetes. There are several surgical or medical procedures being tested to cure diabetes, but at this time they are still largely experimental.
Islet cell transplants
Recent advances have been made in the transplantation of islet cells into the body. Islet cells are made up of two types of cells:
* alpha cells, which make glucagon, a hormone that raises the level of glucose in the blood
* beta cells, which make insulin
It is hoped that the production of insulin in the body with this transplant would eliminate the need for daily injections that type 1 diabetes have to do.
The side effects of this transplant include rejection of the cells by the body and reactions to the immunosuppressive drugs. These side effects are very serious and include mouth sores, intestinal disorders, kidney function impairment and increased risk of cancer and other tumors.
Pancreas transplant
This is the full surgical transplant of the complete pancreas. Usually this procedure is only done if the kidneys are being transplanted as well. Again, there are many complications with the procedure, and the side effects of the immunosuppressive drugs may be more dangerous and risky than the continued injection of insulin. There is a fairly high rate of rejection for this procedure, but progress continues to be made.
There is also a process to implant an artificial pancreas, but this is still in the development phase. Many researchers believe that this will prevent rejection problems once the artificial pancreas is perfected.
Genetic manipulation
This cure for diabetes would allow insulin producing cells to be made out of regular cells by inserting the insulin producing gene. This would avoid the need for invasive surgery and would prevent most of the risks associated with surgical procedures.
While at this time there is not a definite cure for diabetes, the research is ongoing. New advances in genetic and medical practices and research will hopefully result in a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the future.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=72899&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Research continues to focus on curing, preventing and managing diabetes. While there are significant advancements in managing and preventing diabetes, it is public knowledge and education that allows people to understand the symptoms of diabetes and prediabetes, and start prevention programs. Since many people are unaware of the symptoms, they don’t use the prevention programs. Many school health programs now offer advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle choices that will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
In addition to working on prevention and management there is ongoing research to find a cure for diabetes. There are several surgical or medical procedures being tested to cure diabetes, but at this time they are still largely experimental.
Islet cell transplants
Recent advances have been made in the transplantation of islet cells into the body. Islet cells are made up of two types of cells:
* alpha cells, which make glucagon, a hormone that raises the level of glucose in the blood
* beta cells, which make insulin
It is hoped that the production of insulin in the body with this transplant would eliminate the need for daily injections that type 1 diabetes have to do.
The side effects of this transplant include rejection of the cells by the body and reactions to the immunosuppressive drugs. These side effects are very serious and include mouth sores, intestinal disorders, kidney function impairment and increased risk of cancer and other tumors.
Pancreas transplant
This is the full surgical transplant of the complete pancreas. Usually this procedure is only done if the kidneys are being transplanted as well. Again, there are many complications with the procedure, and the side effects of the immunosuppressive drugs may be more dangerous and risky than the continued injection of insulin. There is a fairly high rate of rejection for this procedure, but progress continues to be made.
There is also a process to implant an artificial pancreas, but this is still in the development phase. Many researchers believe that this will prevent rejection problems once the artificial pancreas is perfected.
Genetic manipulation
This cure for diabetes would allow insulin producing cells to be made out of regular cells by inserting the insulin producing gene. This would avoid the need for invasive surgery and would prevent most of the risks associated with surgical procedures.
While at this time there is not a definite cure for diabetes, the research is ongoing. New advances in genetic and medical practices and research will hopefully result in a cure for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the future.
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=72899&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Type 2 Diabetes - Starting an Exercise Program
Exercise helps Type 2 diabetics control their blood sugar, keeps weight down, and can help reduce cholesterol levels.
When you start your exercise program, keep the following in tips in mind:
* Make sure you have comfortable shoes that are made for walking or jogging. Watch for blisters on your feet. The best way to break in new shoes is to wear them for awhile every day. That way you're unlikely to get blisters. Wearing quality, good fitting socks will also help avoid blisters.
* When you first start exercising, start slowly. Walking, riding a bike, or swimming are good ways to get started. Increase your exercise time gradually - if you're really out of shape, start with 5 minutes and each day add another minute of exercise time.
* As a safety precaution, wear an ID tag for diabetics. That way if you have a problem or injury yourself you'll get proper treatment.
* If you have high blood pressure, don't lift heavy weights.
* Choose biking or swimming if you have foot problems.
* To ease your body into working out, stretch for 5 minutes first. You should do this even if you're only going to walk for a short while. To avoid soreness, stretch again for 5 minutes after your workout.
Daily exercise is your best bet. You'll get into the habit if you workout every day at the same time, and soon it will come naturally. Daily exercise will also help you control your blood sugar. At a minimum, exercise 3 times a week, for 30-45 minutes.
Food and Medication
To keep sugar levels even, if you exercise an hour or more after eating, have a small, high carb snack first. If you're involved in a heavier exercise routine, like running or aerobics, you should eat a larger snack before working out.
You should also carry something to eat along with you, such as raisins, in case your blood sugar gets low. It's a good idea to test your blood sugar before your exercise and also afterward. If you blood sugar level is high, postpone exercising until it is at a good level.
If you've recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, or have been living a sedentary lifestyle, you should talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Depending upon any complications you may have, as well as how well your diabetes is controlled, your doctor will have suggestions as to the best exercise for you.
If you are a Type 2 diabetic learn more about how to stay healthy with diet and exercise. Visit our blog at www.Support4Diabetics.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kay_Zeeh
Kay Zeeh - EzineArticles Expert Author
When you start your exercise program, keep the following in tips in mind:
* Make sure you have comfortable shoes that are made for walking or jogging. Watch for blisters on your feet. The best way to break in new shoes is to wear them for awhile every day. That way you're unlikely to get blisters. Wearing quality, good fitting socks will also help avoid blisters.
* When you first start exercising, start slowly. Walking, riding a bike, or swimming are good ways to get started. Increase your exercise time gradually - if you're really out of shape, start with 5 minutes and each day add another minute of exercise time.
* As a safety precaution, wear an ID tag for diabetics. That way if you have a problem or injury yourself you'll get proper treatment.
* If you have high blood pressure, don't lift heavy weights.
* Choose biking or swimming if you have foot problems.
* To ease your body into working out, stretch for 5 minutes first. You should do this even if you're only going to walk for a short while. To avoid soreness, stretch again for 5 minutes after your workout.
Daily exercise is your best bet. You'll get into the habit if you workout every day at the same time, and soon it will come naturally. Daily exercise will also help you control your blood sugar. At a minimum, exercise 3 times a week, for 30-45 minutes.
Food and Medication
To keep sugar levels even, if you exercise an hour or more after eating, have a small, high carb snack first. If you're involved in a heavier exercise routine, like running or aerobics, you should eat a larger snack before working out.
You should also carry something to eat along with you, such as raisins, in case your blood sugar gets low. It's a good idea to test your blood sugar before your exercise and also afterward. If you blood sugar level is high, postpone exercising until it is at a good level.
If you've recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, or have been living a sedentary lifestyle, you should talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Depending upon any complications you may have, as well as how well your diabetes is controlled, your doctor will have suggestions as to the best exercise for you.
If you are a Type 2 diabetic learn more about how to stay healthy with diet and exercise. Visit our blog at www.Support4Diabetics.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kay_Zeeh
Kay Zeeh - EzineArticles Expert Author
Improving Your Sexuality With a Natural Diabetes Treatment
Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, a woman's sexual life can be affected. This occurs physically and emotionally due to a number of factors. Sometimes it is a lack of interest, but more often it is physical problems that can be attributed to diabetes that cause a lack of fulfillment in a sexual experience. Fortunately these problems can be fixed most of the time. There are many treatments out there, but truly a natural diabetes treatment can help with this. These treatments usually focus on lowering blood glucose levels.
Unlike erectile problems seen in men, sexual problems caused by diabetes in women are often more difficult to diagnose. However, you should remember that your sexual health is important so if you discover any of these things happening to you might want to discuss them with your doctor.
This article talks mainly about the effects that high blood sugar has on sexual function in women. There are other side effects of diabetes on sexual heath having to do with low blood sugar. For right now though, high blood sugar and how to bring it down is the focus.
Because of high blood glucose levels it is common for women with diabetes to experience frequent yeast infections. Other infections such as urinary tract infections are common too. All of these can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and pain during sex. If you have these infections it is best to avoid sex until they have cleared up.
High blood sugar also makes you very tired. Your energy level goes way down and this can make you very uninterested any type of physical activity, including sex.
Of course along with Type 2 diabetes usually comes weight issues. This can be bad for self image and your mental desire to have sex. You may also be worried about what your blood sugar is going to do during sex, and being worried about that type of thing is not really all that sexy when the moment is right.
There are many solutions for this type of problem. One of the best I have found can be seen here http://naturaldiabetestreatmentnow.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Bunata
Mike Bunata - EzineArticles Expert Author
Unlike erectile problems seen in men, sexual problems caused by diabetes in women are often more difficult to diagnose. However, you should remember that your sexual health is important so if you discover any of these things happening to you might want to discuss them with your doctor.
This article talks mainly about the effects that high blood sugar has on sexual function in women. There are other side effects of diabetes on sexual heath having to do with low blood sugar. For right now though, high blood sugar and how to bring it down is the focus.
Because of high blood glucose levels it is common for women with diabetes to experience frequent yeast infections. Other infections such as urinary tract infections are common too. All of these can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching and pain during sex. If you have these infections it is best to avoid sex until they have cleared up.
High blood sugar also makes you very tired. Your energy level goes way down and this can make you very uninterested any type of physical activity, including sex.
Of course along with Type 2 diabetes usually comes weight issues. This can be bad for self image and your mental desire to have sex. You may also be worried about what your blood sugar is going to do during sex, and being worried about that type of thing is not really all that sexy when the moment is right.
There are many solutions for this type of problem. One of the best I have found can be seen here http://naturaldiabetestreatmentnow.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Bunata
Mike Bunata - EzineArticles Expert Author
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Gymnema Sylvestre - The Wonder Herb For Diabetes Treatment
Gymnema Sylvestre is a herb that is native to India. This is one of the most potent anti diabetic herbs. The hypoglycemic or blood sugar lowering effects of Gymnema sylvestre have been documented as early as 1920 itself. The blood sugar lowering action of G.Sylvestre is gradual in nature differing from the rapid effect of many prescription hypo-glycemic drugs. G. Sylvestre leaves raise the insulin levels. The leaves are also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The leaves of GS have been used by traditional Ayurvedic doctors of India to treat obesity and diabetes for over several centuries. In Sanskrit this herb is know as Gurmar or sugar killer.
Gymnema Sylvestre is considered to absorb excess sugar in the blood like a blotting paper. It has been shown to manage and treat diabetes in Type 1 as well as Type 2 Diabetic patients. G.sylvestre exhibits multi pronged anti diabetic action. It sucks out excess sugar in the blood, regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas and increases the production of insulin. Apart from such anti diabetic action it also reduces blood lipids, triglycerides and free fatty acids. It is a double benefit for diabetics as many of them have higher cholesterol levels too.
While the traditional herbal doctors in India have had some degree of success while treating diabetes with G. Sylvestre complete potential of this wonder herb was not realized. It was because it is the active component called gymnemic acid that has this anti diabetic action and to get sufficient amount of gymnemic acid large amount of Gymnema Sylvestre leaves had to be consumed. However after scientific approach and the extraction of active component gymnemic acid full potential of this wonder herb is now being realized.
Gymnema Sylvestre can also treat the craving for carbohydrates and sugar. When G. Sylvestre leaves or gymnemic acid extract is orally taken sugary foods lose their sweetness for as long as 1 hour. It will thus kill the craving for sugar and sweet tooth. G. Sylvestre is no doubt a wonder herb that can provide a solution to diabetes.
Gymnema Sylvestre Extract
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Kahn
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Gymnema Sylvestre is considered to absorb excess sugar in the blood like a blotting paper. It has been shown to manage and treat diabetes in Type 1 as well as Type 2 Diabetic patients. G.sylvestre exhibits multi pronged anti diabetic action. It sucks out excess sugar in the blood, regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas and increases the production of insulin. Apart from such anti diabetic action it also reduces blood lipids, triglycerides and free fatty acids. It is a double benefit for diabetics as many of them have higher cholesterol levels too.
While the traditional herbal doctors in India have had some degree of success while treating diabetes with G. Sylvestre complete potential of this wonder herb was not realized. It was because it is the active component called gymnemic acid that has this anti diabetic action and to get sufficient amount of gymnemic acid large amount of Gymnema Sylvestre leaves had to be consumed. However after scientific approach and the extraction of active component gymnemic acid full potential of this wonder herb is now being realized.
Gymnema Sylvestre can also treat the craving for carbohydrates and sugar. When G. Sylvestre leaves or gymnemic acid extract is orally taken sugary foods lose their sweetness for as long as 1 hour. It will thus kill the craving for sugar and sweet tooth. G. Sylvestre is no doubt a wonder herb that can provide a solution to diabetes.
Gymnema Sylvestre Extract
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Kahn
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Top 10 Healthiest Foods For Diabetics - These Foods Control Dangerous Blood Sugar Levels
I know the time value of the reader, so without involving you in the details of definition and causes of diabetes, I would like to jump straight in the 10 healthiest foods for diabetics.
Bitter Gourd is an Indian vegetable which naturally contains plant insulin. Juice of fresh bitter gourd, if consumed twice a day; greatly helps in controlling the level of blood glucose. It is cooked like other Indian vegetables. The easiest method of eating bitter gourd is to have powdered extract of bitter gourd.
Cinnamon is a famous spice. Various studies and researches are carried out to reveal the connection of diabetes and cinnamon. The results of the studies reveal that cinnamon helps in the metabolism of sugar in the diabetic's body. It plays a vital role in reversing the insulin resistance. Extensive researches were carried out in labs for checking the effect of insulin on mice. The results were a light of hope for all diabetics, Cinnamon naturally contain a component that works on the principle of synthetic insulin.
Fenugreek is an Indian herb. It has been clinically proved that consumption of 3 gm fenugreek daily helps the diabetics in controlling the symptoms of diabetes.
Grapefruit juice is equivalent to half an hour's brisk walk. It is rightly termed a super fruit for all diabetics.
Amla juice mixed with bitter gourd juice helps to prevent the dangerous blood glucose levels. These glucose levels provide the onset of various diabetic complications.
Gymnema Sylvester is an ayurvedic herb. Indian experts strongly recommend the diabetics to consume around 4 gm Gymnema Sylvester daily.
Jamun Seed is also called Indian Blackberry. Powder of seeds of jamun if consumed with honey daily; help to reverse the diabetic condition.
Raw Garlic is a most commonly used spice. Consuming raw garlic helps to lower down the level of blood glucose.
Neem Leaves are profitable for diabetics. A handful of neem seeds are healthier for diabetics.
Vinegar is healthier for diabetics. Various researches are being conducted for proving the relation of vinegar and blood glucose levels. Results of these studies revealed that vinegar has the ability to drastically reduce the formation of spikes in the blood glucose levels. The blood sugar level spikes are generally seen soon after meals. However the incorporation of 2 Tablespoon vinegar just before eating meals helps in reducing these blood sugar level spikes. Vinegar can be consumed as vinaigrette or as an integral part of salad dressing. If these dangerous blood sugar level spikes are left untreated, they pose serious health related complications.
If you want to have a free diabetic meal plan specifically designed according to your personal requirement check List Of Foods For Diabetics To Eat. This list will help to design a meal plan that has the ability to control the Signs Of Diabetes in a way that you'll end saying where is my blood sugar?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tehmina_Mazher
Bitter Gourd is an Indian vegetable which naturally contains plant insulin. Juice of fresh bitter gourd, if consumed twice a day; greatly helps in controlling the level of blood glucose. It is cooked like other Indian vegetables. The easiest method of eating bitter gourd is to have powdered extract of bitter gourd.
Cinnamon is a famous spice. Various studies and researches are carried out to reveal the connection of diabetes and cinnamon. The results of the studies reveal that cinnamon helps in the metabolism of sugar in the diabetic's body. It plays a vital role in reversing the insulin resistance. Extensive researches were carried out in labs for checking the effect of insulin on mice. The results were a light of hope for all diabetics, Cinnamon naturally contain a component that works on the principle of synthetic insulin.
Fenugreek is an Indian herb. It has been clinically proved that consumption of 3 gm fenugreek daily helps the diabetics in controlling the symptoms of diabetes.
Grapefruit juice is equivalent to half an hour's brisk walk. It is rightly termed a super fruit for all diabetics.
Amla juice mixed with bitter gourd juice helps to prevent the dangerous blood glucose levels. These glucose levels provide the onset of various diabetic complications.
Gymnema Sylvester is an ayurvedic herb. Indian experts strongly recommend the diabetics to consume around 4 gm Gymnema Sylvester daily.
Jamun Seed is also called Indian Blackberry. Powder of seeds of jamun if consumed with honey daily; help to reverse the diabetic condition.
Raw Garlic is a most commonly used spice. Consuming raw garlic helps to lower down the level of blood glucose.
Neem Leaves are profitable for diabetics. A handful of neem seeds are healthier for diabetics.
Vinegar is healthier for diabetics. Various researches are being conducted for proving the relation of vinegar and blood glucose levels. Results of these studies revealed that vinegar has the ability to drastically reduce the formation of spikes in the blood glucose levels. The blood sugar level spikes are generally seen soon after meals. However the incorporation of 2 Tablespoon vinegar just before eating meals helps in reducing these blood sugar level spikes. Vinegar can be consumed as vinaigrette or as an integral part of salad dressing. If these dangerous blood sugar level spikes are left untreated, they pose serious health related complications.
If you want to have a free diabetic meal plan specifically designed according to your personal requirement check List Of Foods For Diabetics To Eat. This list will help to design a meal plan that has the ability to control the Signs Of Diabetes in a way that you'll end saying where is my blood sugar?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tehmina_Mazher
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Processed Meats and Their Affect on Diabetes
Red meat is OK or is it Baloney
It is reported on the BBC, Dr Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"The need is for a major reduction in total meat intake" on 24 March 2009. In that same site were discussed "that people who ate a large amount of red and processed meat had a 30 to 40 percent higher chance of developing colon cancer...."
All meats increase the chances of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. What is often not thought about is that when we eat all this extra meat it tends to increase our weight. It is the extra weight that will trigger diabetes and the extra weight will make that poor heart work harder. Often with that poor heart working harder, the cholesterol in the blood blocking the veins and arteries, makes your poor heart, work even harder. Your heart is for loving so let's not make it work harder than it needs to work by consuming those fatty products that our body doesn't really need.
Nathan Pritikin discussed having a small amount of meat in the diet, if any. Pritikin tended to limit that amount to 10% of the food intake and that was very lean meat.
Let's discus processed meat, and see exactly what they might have in them. Getting this information is very hard indeed. Just because processed meats don't have a particular requirement in one place such as in the USA, Canadian, Australia, New Zealand or England doesn't mean, that there can't be surprises coming from other countries, where there are no rules or regulations.
Firstly we need to look at processed meats and what they consist of. In the above countries basically any kind of meat can be processed such as beef, chicken and pork but others are also processed such as deer, buffalo, turkey, rabbit, camel or even kangaroo. Processed meats are made from off cuts to prevent wastage from the carcasses.
· Sausages
· Hamburger Pattie
· Salami
· Devon/ Baloney
· Luncheon meats
Australia and New Zealand seem to be the only countries where official information is available and is somewhat regulated. The Australian and New Zealand Food Authority rules state: PROCESSED MEATS MUST HAVE BETWEEN 30% AND 66% MEAT, what is the balance I wonder???? Frankfurters are at the bottom of the scale where sausages are at the top of the scale with a MAXIMUM OF 50% FAT, the meat can contain offal in other words, other parts of the animal. Meat pies must have 25% of meat including the pastry. Some of the filling is bread and that is made up of refined carbohydrates which are no good for diabetics anyway.
The main preservatives used to stop botulism and other naughty things from growing in processed meats along with the extension of shelf life are:
· Sorbic acid
· Benzoic acid
· Sulfur dioxide
· Potassium & Sodium Nitrate
· Prop ionic Acid
· Salt
· Sugar
With the exception of salt and sugar most cause allergic reactions and cause irritation to the respiratory system and skin. Nitrates and nitrites can cause cancer
Do you want to eat manufactured meats or would you rather go without?
It is important to eat fresh unprocessed lean meat if you must eat meat, and that will lower the risks of cancer and other problems associated with preservatives, and lower your weight.
There you have it, the best you can expect in manufactured meats in a regulated market is 25% meat with the balance of fat and fillers, and I thought I loved sausages and ham.
Say no to processed meats and limit your other fresh unprocessed lean meats to 10% as a maximum.
John Wright
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Eaton_Wright
John Eaton Wright - EzineArticles Expert Author
It is reported on the BBC, Dr Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"The need is for a major reduction in total meat intake" on 24 March 2009. In that same site were discussed "that people who ate a large amount of red and processed meat had a 30 to 40 percent higher chance of developing colon cancer...."
All meats increase the chances of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. What is often not thought about is that when we eat all this extra meat it tends to increase our weight. It is the extra weight that will trigger diabetes and the extra weight will make that poor heart work harder. Often with that poor heart working harder, the cholesterol in the blood blocking the veins and arteries, makes your poor heart, work even harder. Your heart is for loving so let's not make it work harder than it needs to work by consuming those fatty products that our body doesn't really need.
Nathan Pritikin discussed having a small amount of meat in the diet, if any. Pritikin tended to limit that amount to 10% of the food intake and that was very lean meat.
Let's discus processed meat, and see exactly what they might have in them. Getting this information is very hard indeed. Just because processed meats don't have a particular requirement in one place such as in the USA, Canadian, Australia, New Zealand or England doesn't mean, that there can't be surprises coming from other countries, where there are no rules or regulations.
Firstly we need to look at processed meats and what they consist of. In the above countries basically any kind of meat can be processed such as beef, chicken and pork but others are also processed such as deer, buffalo, turkey, rabbit, camel or even kangaroo. Processed meats are made from off cuts to prevent wastage from the carcasses.
· Sausages
· Hamburger Pattie
· Salami
· Devon/ Baloney
· Luncheon meats
Australia and New Zealand seem to be the only countries where official information is available and is somewhat regulated. The Australian and New Zealand Food Authority rules state: PROCESSED MEATS MUST HAVE BETWEEN 30% AND 66% MEAT, what is the balance I wonder???? Frankfurters are at the bottom of the scale where sausages are at the top of the scale with a MAXIMUM OF 50% FAT, the meat can contain offal in other words, other parts of the animal. Meat pies must have 25% of meat including the pastry. Some of the filling is bread and that is made up of refined carbohydrates which are no good for diabetics anyway.
The main preservatives used to stop botulism and other naughty things from growing in processed meats along with the extension of shelf life are:
· Sorbic acid
· Benzoic acid
· Sulfur dioxide
· Potassium & Sodium Nitrate
· Prop ionic Acid
· Salt
· Sugar
With the exception of salt and sugar most cause allergic reactions and cause irritation to the respiratory system and skin. Nitrates and nitrites can cause cancer
Do you want to eat manufactured meats or would you rather go without?
It is important to eat fresh unprocessed lean meat if you must eat meat, and that will lower the risks of cancer and other problems associated with preservatives, and lower your weight.
There you have it, the best you can expect in manufactured meats in a regulated market is 25% meat with the balance of fat and fillers, and I thought I loved sausages and ham.
Say no to processed meats and limit your other fresh unprocessed lean meats to 10% as a maximum.
John Wright
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Eaton_Wright
John Eaton Wright - EzineArticles Expert Author
Obesity in Children Leading to Blood Sugar Problems and Type-2 Diabetes
It is not news that obesity is a growing health care problem in North America and much attention is now focused on the increasing rate of obesity occurring in children. That attention, of course, is a good thing and is being helped by the efforts of the wife of the President of the United States, Michelle Obama with her recently announced initiative "Let's Move", with its objective of eliminating obesity in children within a generation.
The Michelle Obama campaign and the new "Task Force on Childhood Obesity" appointed by President Obama brings dual fresh efforts to bear on promoting a healthier lifestyle for children through dietary improvements and increased activity, the simplest and usually the most effective treatment of type-2 diabetes and related blood sugar conditions.
It is estimated that already one third of American children are overweight or obese and the Center for Disease Control reports that one in every three children now being born will have diabetes in their lifetime and often with many of the typical complications associated with the disease as it develops.
Once obesity exists it is especially important to deal with it early to prevent the further development to prediabetes and diabetes, both conditions in which higher than normal blood sugar levels circulate in the body, potentially causing damage to the child's growing organs and tissues. And uncontrolled type-2 diabetes can lead to many serious health complications and will shorten the natural lifespan
Childhood obesity is not only an American issue, the world is experiencing a growing crisis with obesity levels soaring especially in those countries that have similar comparatively affluent lifestyles that can afford fast foods rich in calories from fat and sugars and where the entertainment of choice does not involve physical activity.
Not all children are obese or overweight, but those that are, deserve help and guidance
Where it does exist and can be seen in families, schools, ethnic groups, wherever, it is an urgent problem. Apart from the humanitarian perspective, the health care costs alone will be overwhelming. It is time that everyone concerned with the health and welfare of children, recognize what has to be confronted, which is to adopt an improved diet and a change in the sedentary life style that has become normal for many of today's children.
Today's busy world has brought changes. It is a shame that traffic and other possible hazards make parents understandably reluctant to allow their children to walk or cycle to school, one missing exercise element from the common ways of past generations. But there are still many opportunities for children to engage in supervised physical activities for recreation and sport. The objective is to expend some energy, whether it be one hour a day or more, the effort taken today will pay off for the future.
With informed and well-trained teachers to guide children and parents towards better food choices and eating habits, and with improved nutrition in school meals together with an understanding of simple nutrition and health principles in general, perhaps the rate of growth in obesity can be slowed.
But parents should not depend only on government and school programs to put us on the road to recovery. Sympathetic family efforts and understanding may be necessary to encourage those who are overweight to change their ways. If you have a child or relative who is becoming overweight and heading toward obesity, your knowledge, understanding and action is needed to successfully avert the situation. It can change their life for the better, how rewarding for everyone that would be.
Author's Comment:
I am a long time diabetic preferring to write on the subject of diabetes. For more information on a wide range of diabetes topics please visit my websites at Normal Blood Sugar Levels and also Diabetic Food List. Worth a visit, check it out!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_K._Robinson
The Michelle Obama campaign and the new "Task Force on Childhood Obesity" appointed by President Obama brings dual fresh efforts to bear on promoting a healthier lifestyle for children through dietary improvements and increased activity, the simplest and usually the most effective treatment of type-2 diabetes and related blood sugar conditions.
It is estimated that already one third of American children are overweight or obese and the Center for Disease Control reports that one in every three children now being born will have diabetes in their lifetime and often with many of the typical complications associated with the disease as it develops.
Once obesity exists it is especially important to deal with it early to prevent the further development to prediabetes and diabetes, both conditions in which higher than normal blood sugar levels circulate in the body, potentially causing damage to the child's growing organs and tissues. And uncontrolled type-2 diabetes can lead to many serious health complications and will shorten the natural lifespan
Childhood obesity is not only an American issue, the world is experiencing a growing crisis with obesity levels soaring especially in those countries that have similar comparatively affluent lifestyles that can afford fast foods rich in calories from fat and sugars and where the entertainment of choice does not involve physical activity.
Not all children are obese or overweight, but those that are, deserve help and guidance
Where it does exist and can be seen in families, schools, ethnic groups, wherever, it is an urgent problem. Apart from the humanitarian perspective, the health care costs alone will be overwhelming. It is time that everyone concerned with the health and welfare of children, recognize what has to be confronted, which is to adopt an improved diet and a change in the sedentary life style that has become normal for many of today's children.
Today's busy world has brought changes. It is a shame that traffic and other possible hazards make parents understandably reluctant to allow their children to walk or cycle to school, one missing exercise element from the common ways of past generations. But there are still many opportunities for children to engage in supervised physical activities for recreation and sport. The objective is to expend some energy, whether it be one hour a day or more, the effort taken today will pay off for the future.
With informed and well-trained teachers to guide children and parents towards better food choices and eating habits, and with improved nutrition in school meals together with an understanding of simple nutrition and health principles in general, perhaps the rate of growth in obesity can be slowed.
But parents should not depend only on government and school programs to put us on the road to recovery. Sympathetic family efforts and understanding may be necessary to encourage those who are overweight to change their ways. If you have a child or relative who is becoming overweight and heading toward obesity, your knowledge, understanding and action is needed to successfully avert the situation. It can change their life for the better, how rewarding for everyone that would be.
Author's Comment:
I am a long time diabetic preferring to write on the subject of diabetes. For more information on a wide range of diabetes topics please visit my websites at Normal Blood Sugar Levels and also Diabetic Food List. Worth a visit, check it out!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_K._Robinson
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